Current Members

Postdoc working on relativistic hydrodynamics

PhD student. Working on initial conditions in heavy ion collisions.

Graduate Student. Machine learning and the QCD phase diagram (NSF-GRFP)

PhD student working on SMASH and relativistic hydrodynamics

PhD Student working for the MUSES collaboration on the Chiral Mean Field module

PhD student working on neutron stars and heavy-ion collisions

REU student 2021+ Neutron stars/Dark Matter Berea College

UIUC undergrad 2022+ Relativistic hydrodynamics
Former Members
Assorted Group Photos

Professor at Pepperdine University Former UIUC postdoc 2020-2022

Professor at New Mexico State University Former UIUC postdoc 2018-2020

Postdoc Bielefeld University UIUC PhD 2022

PhD Student at NYU Engineering UIUC undergrad 2020-2022.

Undergraduate students. Working on initial conditions and relativistic hydrodynamics.

REU student (summer 2018). Worked on predictions of transport coefficients in a baryon density Quark Gluon Plasma,

Undergraduate Student. Working on parallel processing in relativistic hydrodynamics.