Dr. Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler studies phase transitions within the strongest fundamental force of nature. She is interested in both equilibrium and dynamical properties of Quantum Chromodynamics at extreme temperatures and densities. Her group focuses on relativistic hydrodynamics (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics), jets, hadronic interactions, transport coefficients, signatures of the QCD critical point, and Lattice QCD within the context of heavy-ion collisions.
She is an assistant professor in the Physics Department at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. She was awarded a Sloan Research Fellowship in 2018 and the Department of Energy 2018 Early Career Award. Previously, she was elected to the APS Division of Nuclear Physics' Executive Committee (2020-2022) and the RHIC & AGS User's Executive Committee (2016-2020).
Pronouns: she/her